We've had a web site for a long time - we were around before the BBC started its website - so we've accumulated a mass of information that is worth keeping. You can find it here.

News Archive

Our news archive from 1996 to 2014.
Stories include the plans for a tram along the Uxbridge Road, our 1999 protest when the council replaced a cycle lane with parking bays (pictured), and our long-running campaign for a contra-flow cycle lane to and from Ealing Broadway station.

Smile Bracket


Our detailed reports on everything from bike sheds in front gardens to Ealing council's cycling strategy..

Cycle Routes

Directions and maps of some leisure cycle routes in Ealing
















 Date: First Wednesday of the Month
  Time: 7.30 pm 
Downstairs at Cafe Grove, 
  65 The Grove, W5 5LL

    New members always welcome. 


 For a more detailed map click here

We're also on Facebook

Whilst we run totally on volunteer time and effort we do need cash. To make things easy we're part of the Big Give Donate Online

We're part of the London Community Resource Network: Working to solve London's resource challenges sustainably, through community-based waste prevention, reuse and recycling .


  Dec 16, 2012

